Thursday, November 29, 2007

Girl's Second Hair Style

What do you think?

Girl's New Hair Style

What do you think?

Animated Chicken - Not so pretty huh?

Finished animating, the walking part. Still got idle and being hit part left.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Complicated Animation

It's only for the fingers as a whole, a thumb, and a wrist for each arm.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Meet this girl

Took me three weeks, two weeks working, one week learning.

Friday, October 26, 2007


I was finally able to get the man to move, and the main states game state to work. I also got the collisions to kinda work... though the objects don't have any geom attributes (so they just pass through each other)

also everything works through FSMs now

-- Hatim

Move/sound demos

This was the first demo I did on WiiMote movement. It was just a ball that moved around. Later on, I snapped the camera on the back of the ball so as it rolled, the camera followed (like in the driving demo).

In this demo, I replaced the ball with the image of a simple man from Wiki tutorial. The camera followed the man around and I added the sound of a chicken to the ball to check how it works. Also, in this demo, I added the theme song. Now, I'm converting my functions into state machines.